Privacy Policy


Eyecare Republic, LLC, along with its subsidiaries (“Company” or “We”), values your privacy and is dedicated to safeguarding it by adhering to the guidelines outlined in this Privacy Policy. This policy delineates the types of information that may be collected from you or that you may provide during interactions with us or when visiting the website (collectively, our “Website”). It also elucidates our procedures for collecting, utilizing, maintaining, securing, and disclosing such information.

This Privacy Policy is applicable to information collected in the following contexts:

  1. On our Website.
  2. In e-mail, text, and any other  electronic messages exchanged between you and the Company or this Website.
  3. Through our interactions with you.

It does not pertain to information gathered:

  1. Through other means, including on any other website operated by the Company or any third party.
  2. By any third party, including through any application or content (including advertising) that may link to or be accessible from or on the Website.

Please peruse this Privacy Policy attentively to comprehend our policies and practices concerning your information and how we intend to handle it. If you disagree with our policies and practices, kindly opt out of receiving our e-mails and cease using or accessing our Website. By accessing or using this Website or continuing to receive our e-mails or otherwise communicating with us, you express your agreement with this Privacy Policy.

Notice of Privacy Policy Updates

Our Privacy Policy is subject to occasional updates, and we reserve the right to revise it at our discretion. Should there be significant modifications, we may inform you through email using the address provided in your account or by posting a notice on the home page of our Website. The last revision date is indicated at the top of this page.

It is your responsibility to ensure that we have your current, active, and reachable email address. Periodically, please visit our Website and review this Privacy Policy for any updates. The most recent version of our Privacy Policy can be found on our Website.

Continued use of our Website or receipt of our emails following any modifications and/or the posting of a notice on the Website indicates your acceptance of these changes. Please stay informed by checking our Website regularly for the latest version of our Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect (What and How)

Eyecare Republic, LLC recognizes your right to confidentiality and is committed to protecting your privacy. We do not collect personal information when you visit our partner sites unless you request further information, place an order, complete a survey or enter a contest. When you sign-up for a service, we will ask you for the following personal information: name and e-mail address. We may use your personal information to contact you for account purposes. When you place an order, we will ask you for the following personal information: name, e-mail address, mailing address, phone number, and credit card number and its expiration date. This information is requested for the purpose of the sale, and we may use your personal information to contact you for account purposes. When you submit feedback or questions via e-mail, or contact us for information about our Web site, we will request your name and e-mail address. We use this information solely to respond to your inquiries.

Using cookies and automatic collection methods. For example, we and third parties we work with may collect information from the computer, tablet, phone, or other device that you install our mobile application on, that you use to access our website, or that you use to open an email or click on an advertisement from us. This collection includes automatically collected information, and generally does not include personal information unless you provide it through our mobile application or website or you choose to share it with us. Methods we use include:

  • cookies (which may be session-based or persistent, and are typically small data files that are stored on your hard drive or in connection with your Internet browser);
  • web beacons or tags (small images embedded into websites or emails that send information about your computer, tablet, phone, or other device when you visit our website, use or mobile application, or open an email we send to you);
  • website and mobile application log files (which we tend to create automatically in connection with access to and use of our website and mobile application);
  • Flash cookies or Local Stored Objects (which may be placed using Adobe Flash software—learn more about privacy and storage settings for Flash cookies here);
  • other technologies (which may be similar to or different than the methods noted above).

We share general demographic information with advertisers and partners as aggregated information that cannot be used in any way to identify you. All performance statistics and data are kept private and not released to any of our partners without your permission. Occasionally, we may reference our own statistics, but the data will be an aggregate of our whole client base, and not identify any one party. Eyecare Republic, LLC certifies that all personal information relating to its members and partners, including email addresses and personal information, will be kept confidential. We do not share, sell, rent or barter any identifiable personal information to any third party without your permission.

Who we share your data with

The information we collect about you or that you provide to us, including personal information, is utilized in the following ways:

  1. To showcase our Website and its contents to you.
  2. To furnish you with information, products, or services, including through e-mail communications.
  3. To fulfill any other purpose for which you provide the information.
  4. To send you notices about your account, including expiration and renewal notifications.
  5. To execute our obligations and uphold our rights arising from our terms and conditions or any contracts between you and us, including billing and collection purposes.
  6. To inform you about alterations to our Website or any products or services we offer or provide through it.
  7. To monitor leads using our Customer Relationship Management system.
  8. In any other manner we specify when you provide the information.
  9. For any other purpose we deem of benefit with your explicit consent.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

How long we retain your data

Suggested text: If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.

For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information.

Data Security

We have instituted physical, technical, and administrative security measures aimed at protecting your Personal Information from inadvertent loss and unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure. While we strive to safeguard your Personal Information to the best of our ability, it is important to note that the transmission of information over the internet is not entirely secure. Despite our efforts, we cannot assure the complete security of your Personal Information transmitted to our Website, via e-mail, or through other electronic means. Any transmission of personal information is undertaken at your own risk.

We retain your Personal Information for the duration of our relationship with you. When determining the retention period for your Personal Information after our association has concluded, we take into account our legal and regulatory obligations as well as internal policies related to personal data management. For instance, we may keep records for investigative or defensive purposes against potential legal claims or as mandated by law. The retention of data aligns with limitation periods and records retention requirements stipulated by applicable law.

The security of your information is a shared responsibility. In instances where you have been provided with a password for access to specific sections of our Website, it is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of this password. Kindly refrain from sharing your password with others. We do not assume liability for any bypassing of privacy settings or security measures present on the Website.

Governing Law

By choosing to visit our Website, to continue receiving our e-mails, or to provide information to us, you agree that any dispute over privacy or the terms contained in this Privacy Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, with the exclusive venue for all disputes arising thereunder in the Judicial District of Plano, Texas. If you are accessing our Website from any location with regulations or laws governing personal data collection, use, or disclosure that differ from Texas laws or regulations, please note that through your continued use of our Website, which is governed by the laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America and this Privacy Policy, you are transferring Personal Information to the United States of America, and you consent to that transfer and to the collection and processing of such information in the United States.

Contact Information

To ask questions or comment about this Privacy Policy and our privacy practices, contact us at