About Us

The Why!

Eyecare Republic was built by Doctors for Doctors.  Our goal is to help every Independent ECP who wants to be INDEPENDENT, start and operate a successful practice.  We do this by leveraging our team’s experience in patient care, practice management, managed care, product sourcing and pricing, continuing education, advances in equipment and technology, consumer/patient marketing and finance to name a few.  All these resources will be made available to our member base through our website, e-newsletters, webinars, member events, and a host of other community type of events that puts the fun back into practice ownership and Doctor Alliance membership!



The Practicing Professionals behind it all!

Meet the Optometrists that envisioned a better way!

Professional Development

Access to exclusive content, educational resources, and industry insights can help you stay informed and up-to-date in your field

Discounts and Savings

Many organizations negotiate member-only discounts and savings on various products and services

Peer to Peer Connections

Online member communities can facilitate connections and conversations among members, fostering a sense of belonging and support


The next generation Doctor Alliance Group goes back in time!

We are committed to serving the needs of our members. As our member base grows, our focus will remain on providing the best quality of products and services determined by our members, while leveraging our size to lower prices and increase your practice profitability.

Gaining and Giving Advice

Engaging with like-minded professionals allows you to share your knowledge and learn from others' experiences

Empowerment and Support

A diverse community of professionals can provide encouragement, motivation, and inspiration, helping you overcome challenges and grow in your career

Networking Opportunities

Participating in seminars, webinars, panel discussions, and social media platforms within the community can help you make new contacts and expand your professional network

Independent Optometric Practices in the U.S.

MILLION people estimated to be using Vision Correction Services

BILLION dollars spent annually on eye care products and services

% average profit margin for optometry practices